Perspectives from a Mediator/Arbitrator

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Sunday New York Times and Blogging

One of the small pleasures in my life is the Sunday New York Times. As a person who loves to read newspapers, the arrival at my doorstep every Sunday morning of the Sunday New York Times is a happy event. My two favorite parts of the paper are the Sports Section and the The New York Times Magazine (although I tend to read almost everything every week). In the Magazine, I turn first to the weekly column by William Safire "On Language". As the magazines piled up a little over my vacation, I am just now reading the February 19 issue. In that issue, Safire wrote about the language of blogging. I was interested to learn that the phrase "blogosphere" is credited to William Quick who first used it on January 1, 2002 in his blog - the Daily Pundit (note to self - should look at that blog). As well, I learned the meaning of the blog terms - "link love", "tagged" and "deliciousing". I am happy to have learned more about the origins and meanings of some of the unique words used in blogging. Anyone interested in language would enjoy the weekly article by William Safire "On Language" in the Sunday New York Times Magazine. Tomorrow morning, I will get another Sunday New York Times!!


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